Sportsnext Cricket Academy at Astro Park, Raghuvanshi Mills, in Lower Parel, Mumbai focuses on delivering quality cricket coaching to young kids. The aim is to ensure kids are nurtured in a great atmosphere at the comfort of their homes under experienced trainers and cricket coaches.
Open for : Both Boys and Girls
Age Group: 4+
Timings: Tuesday 5:30PM – 6:30PM Customized Session plans, One on one sessions
Fees: Rs 2000/- per month
Head Coach: Ravikant Jaiswar
Support Staff: Experienced Coaches and Sidearm Specialist available on demand.
Facilities: 1:8 Coach Student Ratio, Experienced Coaches, Regular Practice Matches, Tournament Participation, Consultation with Parents for Future Growth, Customised Session plans, One on sessions.
Address: Senapati Bapat Marg, Gandhi Nagar, Upper Worli, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013, India